Read: Matthew 2:1–12

Then Herod sent the wise men to Bethlehem, saying, “Go and search diligently for the child; and when you have found him, bring me word so that I may also go and pay him homage.” Matthew 2:8

According to this story, the wise men found Jesus, and Herod did not. Those who seek, find. Those who stand comfortably at a distance do not. The wise men left everything behind and followed a star, they held nothing back in their pursuit of a newborn king, and their investment was rewarded. Herod, who had evil intent, was interested in the Christ child, but unwilling to take the time to hunt for Jesus himself. We view this as good news, knowing that Herod’s interest was fueled by a desire to kill the infant. However, if Herod, like the Magi, had searched diligently for the child, perhaps he too would have returned home by a different road . . . his course forever altered.

Are you merely curious about Jesus, or do you earnestly desire to find him?

Lord, often my faith is no more than a flirtation—a mere curiosity with You that I try to satisfy only when I feel I have the time to spare. I rarely go all-in in an attempt to reach out for You. Perhaps that is why my life of faith often feels barren and unsatisfied. Show me a star this year, and give me the resolve to follow it until I find You. In Jesusname, I pray. AMEN.