Maasai Solar Pump & Pipeline Project
mayim chaim (flowing water)

In this pandemic year, we’ve learned not to take for granted many of the simple things in life. Family. Health. A good meal. One thing we probably do take for granted, though, is that when we turn on the tap, water comes out.

Our Maasai friends in Kenya do not take water for granted. It is life-giving. It is precious. And it is, in many cases, miles away from the village. Over the years, we have funded several water projects in the Ngong Hills, including last year’s pipeline to the village of Embarbal Oosidan.

There is more need. And so, this year, encouraged by MSA, we are proposing to take on two projects.

The first is an upgrade to the borehole, or well, that serves the area. For years, water has been brought to the surface by a pump powered by a diesel generator. That pump and the generator are past their design lives and require increasingly expensive maintenance. When they fail, there is no water. Our partners would like to replace them with a solar power array and a new submersible pump – a green, lower maintenance, and more reliable solution. The cost of this project is $18,600.

The second project would take advantage of the more reliable source of water. It would fund a 3 ½ mile pipeline to the Ole Sokorte village, which currently has no clean, freshwater source. The cost of this project is $7,000.

The Maasai Ministry Team has been overwhelmed by your generosity in the past; you have changed lives. We ask for your consideration of these two important projects in support of our sisters and brothers in Kenya.

To participate go to the GIVE button and select “Maasai Donation” as the gift designation or contact Marianna Kilbride,