Read: James 2:14–26

But someone will say, “You have faith and I have works.” Show me your faith apart from your works, and I by my works will show you my faith. James 2:18

Faith should show. That is the point the writer of James makes in this passage of scripture. A faith that does not practice what it preaches is hypocritical. That is so often the knock on Christians: we proclaim one belief and then act contrary to what we say we believe—and the world mocks us for such inconsistence. The reason for this inconsistency is, of course, sin. As Paul said, we know the good we should be doing, but somehow the bad that we do not want to do continues to infiltrate our choices in life.

No matter how often or how far we fall short of fulfilling the call of our faith, we must strive to allow that which we believe to shape how we behave. For while it is true that “faith without works is dead,” when works accompany faith, our Christian witness can truly come alive!

Do you live what you say you believe?

Lord, I know I am a hypocrite, I know I am a sinner, and I know I fall short of Your glory in ways great and small each and every day. But I refuse to quit, because I believe You can take my sinful life and help me to produce acts of faith that demonstrate Your presence in me. If You can produce a good work in me, then there must be hope for the entire world. In Jesus’ name, I pray. AMEN.