Read: Genesis 12:1–3

Now the Lord said to Abraham, “Go from your country and your kindred and your father’s house to the land that I will show you.” Genesis 12:1

Sometimes we find ourselves in a rut. Stuck. Stagnant. We get into a certain rhythm, or a certain routine, or a certain mindset and we cease to grow. We go to the same job, we go to the same restaurants, and we hang out with the same friends . . . and in time we become bored and boring people. We become narrow-minded. We live life with blinders on, unable to see other ways of living.

God calls us forth into new experiences, new adventures, and new journeys with the intent of unfolding a world of opportunity to us. God wants to broaden, deepen, and enrich our living, so God encourages our exposure to new ideas, new places, and new people. Exposure to that which is new and unfamiliar to us is a pathway to a land and life of promise.

Where can you go this week that will expose you to new experiences and opportunities?

Lord, expose me. Push me out of the rut I am in, break me out of the unhealthy relationships I am in, drag me out of the unproductive patterns of living I am in. Take me to new places, help me to meet new people, give me a new perspective on life. Move me. Dont allow me to limit myself. I need to know my options if I am ever going to live fully for You. In Your name, I pray. AMEN.